Relatively Non-Obvious Tricks in Solving Simple Algorithmic Problems

December 21, 2024

Blowing the dust off LeetCode once again, I found myself, as in the past, struggling with coding relatively simple algorithms. Just like with anything else, if you don’t practice for years, you lose some of the hands-on experience.

On the positive side, I noticed that for some problems, my new submissions were much better and more concise compared to my old ones. That’s an awesome feeling—a tangible measure of growth.

While tackling certain easy problems, I realized that “easy” usually just means “doesn’t require much code.” However, the idea behind the optimal solution might still not be very intuitive. Sure, one can use brute force or additional collections, but in most cases, this leads to either a “time limit exceeded” or an “out of memory” error.

In this article, I’d like to walk through a few examples and provide simple, intuitive proofs for why these solutions work. It’s surprising how many resources focus on implementation while barely explaining why the algorithms work.

Detect Whether a Singly Linked List Contains a Loop


This is a classic problem with a two-pointer solution. We initialize a slow and a fast pointer at the beginning of the list. The slow pointer moves one step at a time, while the fast pointer moves two steps at a time.

But why can we guarantee that the pointers will meet if there is a loop?

The answer lies in the fact that at each iteration, the distance between the slow and fast pointers increases by one. Eventually, both pointers will be inside the loop. Once they’re in the loop, the distance between them decreases by one on each iteration. Therefore, they are guaranteed to meet.

Find the Majority Element in an Array


To solve this, we iterate through the array once using a counter that starts at zero.

By the end, the candidate will be the majority element.

The trickiest part of this solution is understanding why it works. The key is the definition of a majority element: it appears in the array more than half the time. This gives the array an interesting property:

We don’t explicitly remove pairs, but the counter emulates this.

Finally, the majority element’s count minus the count of all other elements will always be positive, ensuring that the algorithm identifies it correctly.

Climbing Stairs


You’re given a staircase, and on each step, you can climb one or two stairs. You need to calculate how many distinct ways you can reach the top.

At first, this problem seems confusing. Then, realizing the solution involves the Fibonacci sequence might make it seem even more mysterious.

Here’s why:

When you’re on the i-th step, there are only two ways to get there:

  1. From the i-1-th step by taking one step.
  2. From the i-2-th step by taking two steps.

Thus, the number of ways to reach the i-th step is simply the sum of the ways to reach the i-1-th and i-2-th steps. That’s exactly the definition of the Fibonacci sequence.

With this induction step established, all we need are the base cases:

And that’s it.

Maximum Subarray Sum


This problem asks us to find the maximum sum of a subarray. Brute-forcing through all subarrays would be too slow, so we use a linear-time solution with constant memory.

We maintain two variables:

  1. currentSum: Keeps track of the running sum.
  2. maxSum: Stores the highest sum found so far.

At each step:

Why does this work?

And that’s it for this time.

Happy coding!